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Learn soulful sales strategies for freedom, health and wealth.


The ULTIMATE video course bundle for Face Yoga teachers and wellness entrepreneurs!


Now only £295

(Originally £1222)



In this business course bundle you'll learn:




How to make more money and sales in your wellness business with proven strategy and without the burnout.


You will learn how to grow your business through social media and beyond in a way that doesn’t feel salesy but instead feels aligned, easy to do and helps other people too! You will set money goals, clear your limiting beliefs around money and start putting in plans to promote your services and products soulfully online and in person. Plus I share all my secrets of building my international Face Yoga Expert brand, scaling to multiple six figures and how I grew to almost 1 million followers across social media.




How to have more freedom and flexibility of time, location and decision making in your business.


I will guide you on how to fully connect with your intuition and then design the exact business and lifestyle you want. I will also show you exactly how to make successful social media posts and how you can still have freedom of time whilst you make daily sales. I share how I only work a few hours each day mostly from home (but there’s definitely been a few business trips to the Maldives and Greece in my time!) and have plenty of time for enjoying a flexible lifestyle where I can hang out with my family, go for walks in nature, vacation at the seaside and watch reality TV (my guilty pleasure!). 




How to feel the happiest and healthiest version of you whilst still meeting your goals.


You will understand each of the 7 chakras and how to align each one to help you feel clear, abundant and full of vitality (if you like breathwork, affirmations and self care hacks, you will love this course bundle as every module has them). You will really tap into your soul purpose and start to live the life you truly want immediately. I will guide you through exactly how I use self care and wellness hacks throughout my day to feel energised and how this has helped me manifest my goals and grow my business. Wellness is a top priority in my business and also my team all work from home, choose their hours and put their health first. You will also be able to use these wellness hacks you learn in the bundle with your own clients, customers or team too, so that everyone you work with is the best version of themselves.

You + The Business Course Bundle = a healthier, wealthier life and business!



you've dreamt of getting more clients or customers who pay you the money you deserve for the amazing services you offer and you make consistent daily sales through your social media and beyond in a soulful, intuitive way. You also would love to truly help your soul mate clients and customers and when you are sharing your offerings with them it just feels joyful and you can be fully yourself. You would love to wake up each day so excited to work (even if you aren’t a morning person like me!) and know that work doesn’t even feel like work, it just feels fun.


Or maybe...

you’ve dreamt of learning how to create more passive income streams so you can have more freedom of your time and location (which means more time to travel the world, go to Yoga, enjoy your favourite green juice bar and have those 2pm bubble baths!). You would love to do this through creating products and services and selling these in your own time and at your own pace through your social media, website and in person sales strategies.


Either way...

The Business Course Bundle guides you through EXACTLY how to live a life of wellness and abundance whilst still helping people and making a big difference in this world. But don’t worry, there are definitely NO icky sales techniques! Just a perfect combination of proven step-by-step strategies to use on social media and beyond, plus lots of guidance to use your intuition and tap into your soul to understand the path you want to take. With 19 years of experience running, growing and scaling my business I share EVERYTHING I know about soulful sales, money and freedom in this course bundle. As a fellow sensitive, soulful empath who is also an entrepreneur with big dreams, we are in this together!

After completing this course bundle you will feel...

  • Super clear on your steps to build your brand, market yourself on social media and beyond and know exactly how to connect with your soul mate clients (and they can’t wait to pay you for the amazing value you offer them!).

  • Free from those money mindset blocks you had, healthy with aligned chakras and deeply connected to your greatest super power (your intuition!). 

  • Confident to make more sales and create more freedom and flexibility in your day whilst living your true soul purpose.

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A note from me...


I’m best known as the World Leading Face Yoga Expert. I love wellness, self-care and business and this is what the Business Course Bundle is all about.

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  • Having clear specific steps to consistently sell what you offer, get more clients, sell your products and services and knowing what to post on social media for more followers and engagement (all in a soulful, conscious way).
  • Getting aligned with what your brand is, setting clear goals and knowing how to reach them, plus being confident to share, teach and market yourself with ease and flow. 
  • Being connected to yourself more so you can be guided by your intuition when you make decisions, know what your soul purpose is and use that to build a flexible, abundant dream life...



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What's Included


#1- Be Your Own Brand course

A 10 module self-study video course (10 x 90 minute videos plus workbooks) which will help you make more money, have more freedom and feel healthier in your business. The course will guide you on exactly how to build a successful and memorable brand, market yourself authentically across all social media, and make profitable sales whilst looking after your wellness and aligning your chakras as you up level your business and life. I have grown the Face Yoga Expert business and brand successfully for 17 years and I am going to share all my secrets on how I did this in just 10 modules (90 minutes each).


#2- Soulful Social Media Success course

A 2 module (3 hours in total) video course (with workbook) which will enable you to plan many months of social media content in an easy, conscious and relaxed way which feels aligned to your personality and brand. You will write some posts in real time, plan categories of posts, organise any videos or photos you need to take and have a guide on how this will help you meet your goal whether it be more followers, more engagement, more enquiries or more sales (or all of these!). 
You will also learn how one social media post can be used in six or more different ways across a number of different platforms to maximise your reach and sales whilst minimising the time you need to spend making content. By the end of the course you will feel like social media is an easy, exciting and effortless way to grow your business. 


#3- BONUS: 3 Soul Purpose Business Workshops

In this bonus part of the bundle you will get 3 workshops which were originally live webinars and will teach you valuable ways to grow your brand in a soulful way, use your intuition to grow your brand successfully and discover your soul purpose business. 

The Result? 

A specific plan for growing your wellness brand and business, making more money easily and frequently and truly understanding your soul purpose.


You will have the confidence and clear tools for marketing, building your brand and looking after your wellness all the way through too.

The Result? 

A specific plan for growing your wellness brand and business, making more money easily and frequently and truly understanding your soul purpose.


You will have the confidence and clear tools for marketing, building your brand and looking after your wellness all the way through too.

How do I know if I'm ready?


Perfect for you if:


  • You have started a business but are ready to grow it and to make a BIG impact on the world

  • You want to establish yourself as a credible, memorable brand and have your ideal clients and customers buy from you with love and ease

  • You want to learn how to market yourself on social media and beyond in an authentic, effortless way

  • Your intuition is your superpower and you want to use this to learn exactly what your soul purpose is 

  • You don’t like the ‘old school’ way of business, which is about hard hustle, long working days, icky sales strategies and you believe you can be successful and abundant by being yourself

  • You love having freedom and flexibility with your time, location, choices and business

  • You believe you can make great money AND be a spiritual, conscious woman 

  • You want a business that makes 6 figures and beyond - easily and frequently

  • You love wellness and self-care (and are ready to align your chakras!) and believe that feeling healthy is a priority for yourself, your clients/customers/team

  • You are ready to live life in the present moment and enjoy your life today.



Let's take a look at what's inside...


1. Be Your Own Brand 

This high-level, 10 module online self-study video course will guide you on how to build a  successful brand, market yourself authentically across all social media, and make profitable sales whilst looking after your wellness as you grow. 


Module 1: 

You will understand specifically what a brand is and clearly understand your own personal brand. You will also discover your true soul purpose and  how to tap into this to make big changes in your life and business. You will get clear on how and why to use self-care and daily routines and how this can help up level every aspect of your life.


Module 2: 

This will be centred around your Root Chakra and you will be setting clear foundations and future goals. You will get clear on your deepest feelings around money and true abundance and then effectively work through any money blocks that you have to get into a rich mindset! You will delve into your true feelings of deserving money, feel worthy of meeting your goals and of financial stability in your business and your brand.


Module 3: 

This will be based around the Sacral Chakra, which is all about stepping into the ease, flow, femininity and movement within your business. You will also explore your creativity to have the brand and the business that you want.


Module 4: 

You will be aligning your Solar Plexus Chakra. This module will be about taking action in your business, using your energy and power, marketing on social media and marketing yourself in the press and beyond. This module will also cover understanding your soul mate client and customer and learning to sell successfully and soulfully to them in all you do. 


Module 5: 

This module will be based on the Heart Chakra and you will get clear on what you love, what brings you joy and what lights you up. You will learn how you can make courses, write a book, and make products all with love and joy. You will also understand the importance of setting boundaries, maintaining happy clients and customers and having a business that is the greatest good for you and others.

Module 6: 

You will be delving into the Throat Chakra, which represents speaking your truth and being authentic. This module is about showing up on video on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and in podcasts. And it is also about stepping into feelings of discomfort and using this as your power. You will learn ways to be a more effective teacher and speaker. This class will also help you understand the power of the 'magic no' and overcoming the fear of 'putting yourself out there' whether it be in person or online.


Module 7: 

This will be based on your Third Eye Chakra, which is your inner knowing, trust, and intuition and how you can use this for an abundant and financially secure business. You will understand how to pivot your mindset and your business and make changes both big and small within your brand and work.


Module 8: 

You will be aligning your Crown Chakra and connecting with your higher self and higher source. This will help you have a deep inner knowing that you can dream and achieve bigger, manifest, and let go of attachments. This module will also focus on your ability to know your own brand and scale this soulfully. We will also dive deeper into strategies to overcome imposter syndrome, overwhelm and fear of triggering others with your success.


Module 9: 

You will be taking a final journey through the chakras to align and balance them by using success affirmations, meditation and Face Yoga, as well as taking a brief look at Human Design. You will be led through a series of activities to become clear on your priorities moving forward for your business, brand and marketing and understand exactly the life you want a year from now.


Module 10: 

This module will be about meeting your goals, seeing how far you have come and celebrating that! You will also go through a summary of all the key points of the course as well as learning key ways to improve your website, and teaching and coaching, if you do these. This module is also about how to maintain your success after the course, and how to continue to be a healthy and wealthy business owner.

2. Soulful Social Media Success Course

Soulful Social Media Success is a 2 module (3 hour) video based learning course with an accompanying workbook to help you plan your next 4 weeks of social media content in a flowing, conscious and relaxed way. In this course you will write some posts, plan categories of posts, organise any videos or photos you need to take and have a guide on how this will help you meet your goal whether it be more followers, more engagement, more enquiries or more sales (or all of these!).


A clear guide on how to use your intuition, your unique personality and understand your personal brand in order to plan and create social media content that feels fully aligned. You will learn easy ways to plan a full month of content and how this process can be repeated time and time again. You will be able to use one social media post in six or more different ways across a number of different platforms to maximise your reach and sales whilst minimising the time you need to spend on making content.


This course will mean you will never get stuck on what to post on social media and help you easily find the time to do as much social media as you would like. You will be able to make sales on social media without feeling 'salesy' and ensure your content is a true reflection of you without overtaking your life.


You will understand how to make meaningful, authentic and helpful social media posts in a calm, flowing and soulful way and feel confident on how to make the most out of every piece of content you make. This course will guide you to use social media content to convert to more followers, more engagement and more sales and look after your own wellness and self care whilst doing all this!

3. Soul Purpose Business Workshops (BONUS addition to the bundle!)


Workshop 1: 

3 ways to grow your brand in a soulful way

In this 90 minute workshop I share 3 proven ways to successfully grow your brand on social media and beyond, in a conscious, easeful and soulful way. I also share my personal story, social media tips, and hacks to help you overcome any possible problems when it comes to marketing.


Workshop 2: 

3 ways to use your intuition to grow your brand successfully

In this 90 minute video workshop I share 3 clear ways that you can start to tune into your intuition, which is that part of you that knows exactly what is best for you, your business and your brand. Often we can struggle when making decisions, knowing the next step to take or how to make more sales. When we listen to our inner voice, our heart's desires and gut instinct the answers are much clearer. We can then put action, structure and strategy in place.
This will help you listen to your intuition and your inner knowing within your business to grow your brand soulfully and successfully.


Workshop 3: 

4 ways to discover your soul purpose business 

This 60 minute video workshop will help you discover your soul purpose business. Whether you already have an established business or brand or you feel that strong inner voice to start one, then this session is for you. 
I lead you through 4 key ways to dive deeper into your true purpose and fully remember why your soul is here in this lifetime. I also guide you through how to be fully aligned with your soul purpose so you can have a profitable and successful business.

Wait, what's included again?



Be Your Own Brand Course (10 modules x 90 minutes each)

A 10 module self-study video course (10 x 90 minute videos plus workbook) which will help you make more money, have more freedom and feel healthier! The course will guide you on exactly how to build a successful and memorable brand, market yourself authentically across all social media, and make profitable sales whilst looking after your wellness and aligning your chakras as you up level your business and life.  
I have 19 years of experience running, growing and scaling The Face Yoga Expert business and brand and I share EVERYTHING I know in this course. It took me 19 years and I want to show you how to do it in just 10 modules with ease, flow and unlimited abundance! 



Soulful Social Media Success Course (2 modules x 90 minutes)

A  2 module (3 hour) video course which will enable you to plan months of social media content in an easy, conscious and relaxed way which feels aligned to your personality and brand. You will write some posts in real time, plan categories of posts, organise any videos or photos you need to take and have a guide on how this will help you meet your goal whether it be more followers, more engagement, more enquiries or more sales (or all of these!). 
You will also learn how one social media post can be used in 6 or more different ways across a number of different platforms to maximise your reach and sales whilst minimising the time you need to spend making content.



Business Workshops (2 workshops x 90 minutes and 1 workshop x 60 minutes)

In this bonus part of the bundle you will get 3 workshops which were originally live webinars and will teach you valuable ways to grow your brand in a soulful way, use your intuition to grow your brand successfully and discover your soul purpose business.

Here's what others are saying...


Tina Arnone

"This is the course you should definitely take when you suffer from imposter syndrome and have little to zero self-esteem. In my desperate search for support to get my online business started, I literally searched everywhere to find a fitting program that would support me and my dream.

Since I had already gone through the Danielle Collins Face Yoga Teacher Training, I was curious if this course would also provide me the information I needed. And it absolutely did. It was even beyond my expectations. This course is not only contemporary and offers precise tips, but it's also almost like therapy! Danielle is a tough businesswoman and, at the same time, the most kind-hearted and understanding teacher I have ever experienced."

Trude Osnes

“I thought the course was PERFECT! Danielle is clear, kind and gives us a good overview throughout. There is variety and nice alternation between small meditations and poems amongst the business theory. Nice variation from session to session. After the course I have started TikTok and YouTube. So, this is where development happens!”

Zena Kidd-May

“In the Be Your Own Brand course, Danielle re-connected me to the chakras and the importance of them when making some life and work decisions which I am grateful for. I also felt grateful that Danielle shared who and what she uses to support her in business and she is generous with her information. I also like how we progressed and connected with what felt right for us throughout the course.”

Susan Martin 

"I’m absolutely loving this course and am incredibly excited about being here and moving forward too. Your content is so clear and understandable, your presentation professional, polished, sunny and natural. You’re a joy to see and to hear. I deeply appreciate your printed notes too. They make all the difference to the way I learn … I’m sure this applies to many if not all of us! "

Amy Parfitt

“The 10-module Be Your Own Brand course made me notice myself and the best way to mindfully apply myself to my business. I have run my company for 7 years and I have organically grown to employ 80 people in that time. This course helped me reset myself and my approach. It helped me find my purpose in my daily practice and my overall vision has been realigned. We have already grown our social media since the coaching sessions with a huge team effort on our TikTok account.

I have learned the value of instinct; I have learned to sit and reflect on my true thoughts and values and how to apply them to ensure my business purpose aligns with my life purpose.

This coaching course would help all kinds of professionals find focus and realignment with what their business purpose is.”

Natalia Dolisni

“The course is so worth the money! Danielle is such an expert and so grounded. That's so inspiring!

I really enjoyed the business sessions, the meditations and reflections. I now know that spirituality can be a part of marketing…plus it can be joyful and fun."

Sandy Prada

“I just wanted to share my experience already of the Business Course Bundle. Before I started your course, I had put most of my energy into Instagram, and when they had the big algorithm change last September, my account practically died. I hadn't had any new customers, very few sales, and my followers weren't even seeing my content. I was spending more time worrying about Instagram than I was attending to my business. I also invested in a course with a different coach that just was not working for me — too masculine and yangy. I needed to figure out a new way to work that wasn't so dependent on algorithms and that also didn't feel so disjointed to me. I decided to ignore all the advice I'd been given and start meditating on things. I even asked the Universe to send me the right helpers, and then I got your invitation to take the online course!

The Soul Purpose Business Course Bundle is perfect for me, as this is the way I like to operate in all other areas of my life. Why should business be different? It's helping me so much, and your prompts are getting me there faster than I would be able to by just meditating on my own. I love the tapping and affirmations to help get rid of my blocks about money and success, which is the key to everything. As I've been doing the modules, ideas float up, and I act on them. I do not think it's a coincidence that I've gotten at least 300 new followers on Instagram in the last two days (a lot for me — I've never gotten that many at once before!), and a couple people asked to buy my face yoga video today! I'm also suddenly making inroads with people in my community (I moved here during lockdown) and plan to have more in-person opportunities. I have a lot of changes to make, and I feel good about them! Thank you so much … it's been so helpful to hear your experience and wisdom, and you're sharing so generously!"

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What are you waiting for...


The ultimate business course video bundle to learn specific and soulful sales strategies for freedom, health and wealth in your life and business.


Now only £295


(this was originally £1222 so this is AMAZING value for what you will learn to up level your wellness business quickly and soulfully)


Yours Today!


One time payment




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