Soul Purpose Business Course Bundle Terms and Conditions 


You as the person purchasing and receiving the Soul Purpose Business Course Bundle  (hereinafter referred to as "the Delegate")


Danielle Collins Ltd, a company incorporated in England and Wales with company number 09968447 and registered office at Office 301, 3 Edgar Buildings, George Street, Bath, BA1 2FJ, United Kingdom, (hereinafter referred to as "the Company").

 The Company and the Delegate shall each be responsible for advising the other party of any changes to his / her personal or company details.


This Agreement commences on the date of payment for the course by the Delegate and terminates on any of the conditions detailed in Section 9 Termination.

The Delegate warrants that he / she is not violating any other agreement or any law by studying the course. Any material misrepresentation shall give the Company the right to terminate this agreement.

The Company warrants that it is not violating any other agreement or any law by supplying the course to the Delegate. Any material misrepresentation shall give the Delegate the right to terminate this agreement.


The course fee is non-refundable.

The Delegate agrees to keep all contents of the course confidential. If there is any doubt about whether any disclosure or use is for an authorised purpose, the Delegate is to obtain a ruling in writing from the Companies and is to abide by it.

All Copyright and Intellectual Property in the course are owned by the Company and this agreement, and the business relationship between the Delegate and the Company, will not entitle the Delegate to any ownership of Copyright or Intellectual Property in the course. 


7.1 The Delegate is solely responsible for the marketing and delivery of their business services and/or products to their clients.

7.2 The Delegate agrees, for the period during this agreement and for three years following termination of this agreement, to not carry on any business or venture that is in competition to the Company's course, or to have any interest with any of the Company's employees, customers or suppliers other than in the normal course of business for the Company, without the written agreement of the Company. 

7.3 The Delegate hereby warrants that they have never been convicted of a criminal offence, and if they are arrested during this agreement then they will inform the Company and agree that this arrest would be a breach of contract.

7.4 The Delegate hereby warrants that all of the information provided in connection with this agreement is true and accurate.

7.5 The Delegate hereby warrants that they accept the following waiver with regard to carrying out the physical techniques themselves; Always work to your own level with all physical techniques and immediately stop any techniques that do not feel comfortable for you. Please always check with a doctor before commencing physical techniques if you suffer from any medical or skin conditions. All information and techniques provided by the Company is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease so please contact a medical practitioner if you have any medical conditions.


9.1 Upon termination the Delegate will not be permitted access to the course at the Company's sole discretion.

9.2 This agreement will terminate at the written request of the Delegate.

9.3 This agreement can be terminated by any party if another party is; 

9.3.1 in breach of any clause in this agreement;

9.3.2 convicted of a criminal offence;

9.3.3 upon the Delegate committing any act of gross misconduct or is guilty of any conduct which may, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, bring the Company, or other companies related the Company by having the same shareholders, into disrepute;

9.3.4 the Delegate becomes of unsound mind or a patient within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1983;

9.4 Upon termination of this contract it is understood that the relationship between the Delegate and the Company has ended.


10.1. This agreement and any exhibit attached constitute the sole and entire agreement between the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof and the parties waive the right to rely on any alleged express provision not contained herein.

10.2. No party may rely on any representation, which allegedly induced that party to enter into this agreement, unless the representation is recorded herein.

10.3. No agreement varying, adding to, deleting from or cancelling this agreement and no waiver of any right under this agreement shall be effective unless it is:

10.3.1. In writing;

10.3.2. Agreed to by all parties;

10.3.3. Signed by all parties.

10.4. Written notice by either party to the other may be given:

10.4.1. In person, and such notice shall be deemed valid on the date of delivery in person.

10.4.2. By registered mail, and such notice shall be deemed valid as of seven days of the proof of mailing date.

10.5. No relaxation by a party of any of its rights in terms of this agreement at any time shall prejudice or be a waiver of its rights (unless it is a written waiver) and it shall be entitled to exercise its rights hereafter as if such relaxation had not taken place.

10.6. No party may cede any of its rights or delegate or assign any of its obligations in terms of this agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties.

10.7. Unless inconsistent with the context, words signifying any one gender shall include the others, words signifying the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

10.8. Should any provision of this agreement be judged by an appropriate court of law as invalid, it shall not affect any of the remaining provisions whatsoever.

10.9. The parties agree that any dispute which may arise from this agreement will be referred to an impartial and lawful arbitration body whose decision will be binding upon all parties.

End of Agreement